Risk Insights | Protect Your Vehicle from Winter Warm-Up Thefts

Cold Weather, Hot Targets: Here is How You Can Protect Your Vehicle from Winter Theft
During the chilly winter months, many drivers start their vehicles to warm them up while they head back inside to prepare for the day, creating ideal conditions for vehicle theft. These thefts, known as “warm-up thefts,” are often crimes of opportunity, happening within seconds.
To combat this issue, law enforcement agencies across Canada regularly remind the public that cold weather can provide criminals with easy opportunities. Officers often identify unattended, unlocked, or running vehicles and educate owners on simple steps to secure their cars and belongings.
Auto theft remains a significant issue across Canada, impacting public safety and local communities. At Jones DesLauriers, we want to enhance awareness and provide tips for preventing warm-up thefts this winter.
Here are some helpful tips to protect your vehicle this season:
- Use a remote starter or stay with your vehicle while it warms up.
- Remember that push-start vehicles can still be driven without the key nearby.
- Never leave your keys or fob in the vehicle.
- Avoid leaving a running vehicle unattended.
- Never leave children or pets in an unattended vehicle.
- Use a steering wheel lock for added security.
- Always keep your vehicle locked.
- Remove garage door openers from your vehicle.