Claims Advocacy
At Jones DesLauriers, we understand the challenges and have dedicated Claims Advocates ready to assist you in navigating claims towards a successful resolution.
At Jones DesLauriers, we understand the challenges and have dedicated Claims Advocates ready to assist you in navigating claims towards a successful resolution.
A claim is disruptive to your business and the adjustment process is often complex and confusing. This is why Jones DesLauriers has dedicated Claims Advocates who are here to help navigate a claim to a successful resolution.
Our highly skilled and experienced resources can provide guidance on communication and protocols to put in place to minimize the disruption of a claim.
Once a claim has happened, our Claims Advocates are there to ensure your position is communicated effectively to the insurer. We act as effective intermediaries to advocate on your behalf in the event of a dispute regarding coverage or the quantum of any proposed settlement.
Our principle objective is to work on your behalf to ensure that every claim made is resolved expeditiously and with the minimum impact on your operations while achieving the best result possible.
Please contact a member of your Account team or one of our Claim Professionals to obtain more information on our Claims Advocacy and other services.