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VIP Assurance ™

Enhanced Insurance Solutions for all your Personal Assets

Jones DesLauriers represents selected clients who are interested in finding the best possible coverage for their most treasured possessions. JDIMI’s clients understand the concept of value and are in search of new insurance ideas that provide a unique and catered approach to their insurance needs, while still maintaining reasonable premiums.

Your VIP Assurance™ Advisory team will become an integral part of securing your valuables. We are pleased to offer customized coverage in these areas:


You will receive the best residential insurance protection, based on your individual lifestyle and preferences.


You have the option to be insured for an agreed amount so that you will be paid in full in the event of a claim.


If you like to enjoy the great outdoors, we will consider your recreational needs, from small sailboats to yachts.


Extra coverage is always available to offer peace of mind when it comes to your jewellery, art and valuable articles.

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