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Group Retirement and Pension

Group Retirement and Pension

Discover highly customized and cost-effective Group Retirement & Pension Solutions with JDIMI Consulting.

JDIMI Consulting offers highly customized Group Retirement & Pension Solutions that are cost-effective, efficient and properly governed to adhere to Canadian “CAP” or Capital Accumulation guidelines.

Having a Group Retirement Plan is integral to attracting and keeping key personnel, especially given the long-term viability of government sponsored pension plans is in question. As such, Group Retirement Plans, along with RRSP’s, are playing a major role for most Canadians when saving for their retirement.

The purpose of Pension Plan Governance is to employ best practices and forward thinking to meet fiduciary expectations of all plan members. At JDIMI Consulting, we provide a structured, customized, ongoing governance support structure, as well as financial planning assistance to plan members so they can get the most out of their Group Retirement program.

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